Japanese gardens YouTube

Join Us On Our Japanese Gardens YouTube Channel!

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We have a growing YouTube channel featuring many videos on the subject of Japanese gardens.

We post a lot of videos helping people appreciate and understand these beautiful gardens and encourage them through information and free tips to get started on creating their very own Japanese garden or Zen style garden.

Incidentally, ‘Zen’ gardens do not really exsist! They are called ‘Karesansui’ in Japanese and in English that would translate as ‘dry landscape’ – so called becuse the bodies of water in the types of gardens are depicted by sand or gravel with raked swirls to signify the movement of water.

The term Zen garden is purely a Western one but has its merits as they are gardens of contemplation, serenity and historical and even religious significance.

Please take a look at our channel and videos we would very much like to have you as part of our growing Japanese garden community! Please SUBSCRIBE to our channel for notifications of our latest videos as they are posted.